
Petland Florida Makes A Dog Food Donation

blog blogs COVID-19 dog food dog food donation donation donation drive pandemic petland Petland Florida

On April 29, 2020, many pet owners experiencing financial hardships during the COVID-19 pandemic received a wonderful treat with our dog food donation drive! The donation took place at the Miami Lakes United Methodist Church, where pet owners were able to collect high-quality dog food in the parking lot. Our staff and volunteers took great […]

On April 29, 2020, many pet owners experiencing financial hardships during the COVID-19 pandemic received a wonderful treat with our dog food donation drive!

The donation took place at the Miami Lakes United Methodist Church, where pet owners were able to collect high-quality dog food in the parking lot. Our staff and volunteers took great care in respecting social distancing regulations as members of our community came for their pet’s food. 

We at Petland understand the financial difficulties that many families are facing during these trying times. For some families, it’s even harder to protect and care for their beloved dogs the way they used to. We held this food donation drive, in part, to help pet owners continue providing their furry friends with quality pet care, even if they’re financially unable to do so at the moment. 

Our four-legged family members are always there for us, giving us the emotional support we need to get through the hard times. We wanted to give pet owners and their wonderful puppies a chance to stick together and get through the current challenges with each other. Our mission at Petland is to help make our community a better place and assist those in need. We hope that through our food donation, we’ve helped many families struggling to care for their pets—and that their cuddly friends have delicious, well-balanced food for months!