
8 Best Indoor Dog Breeds

bichon frise bulldog cavalier king charles spaniel Chihuahua dachshund french bulldog pug yorkshire terrier

Ah, the great indoors… Cozy and peaceful where everything you need is right at your fingertips, who doesn’t love being inside?  Whether you’re a homebody, a city dweller, or an ambitious workaholic, there are many reasons to get a dog breed that’s guaranteed to be comfortable inside for the majority of the day. There are […]

Ah, the great indoors… Cozy and peaceful where everything you need is right at your fingertips, who doesn’t love being inside? 

Whether you’re a homebody, a city dweller, or an ambitious workaholic, there are many reasons to get a dog breed that’s guaranteed to be comfortable inside for the majority of the day.

There are more than enough breeds to choose from if you’re looking for a dog that will enjoy being at home. Petland Florida has put together our list of the 8 best indoor dog breeds.     


We challenge you to gaze into the huge, round eyes and innocent face of a Pug and not fall in love. It can’t be done! As adorable as Pugs are, their sweetness goes way beyond their looks. Pugs have a gentle, intuitive demeanor. They’re caring and affectionate, and they only bark when it’s absolutely necessary. Pugs make perfect indoor dogs because of their small size, and their calm, slightly lazy attitude. Truth be told, Pugs would rather nap and cuddle than exercise! This means that if you’re a homebody and want a dog breed that isn’t going to require much outdoor exercise, the Pug could be the ideal breed for you!


Chihuahuas are small, fun, loyal, and easy to care for. With their small heads, big eyes, and perky ears, Chihuahuas are one of the most recognizable dog breeds. They come with long hair or short hair, and they’re extremely light, weighing in at two – six pounds. Thanks to their loyal nature and their “lap dog” heritage, Chihuahuas enjoy sitting on or near their pet parents, and staying comfortable at home all day. Though this breed is perky and energetic, they only need about 20 minutes of exercise per day, and thanks to their small size, they can get this exercise in the house if need be. Most Chihuahua owners can satisfy their dogs with a simple walk around the block. 


Otherwise known as the “wiener dog,” Dachshunds are unique hounds with long bodies and very short legs. This makes them the perfect shape to dive head-first into badger holes (burrows) to hunt and retrieve badgers for their owners. It is due to their short legs and unique physique that help Dachshunds to be great indoor dogs. In general, this breed should avoid running around too much, since their short legs and thick, long torso aren’t conducive to sustaining high-energy exercise for too long. Their small size makes excellent pets for small spaces and for owners who aren’t very active themselves. Fun fact: Dachshunds are known for “faking” fatigue during walks in order to get their owners to carry them!    


Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are small dogs with low exercise needs. This beautiful breed is active, graceful, and well-balanced. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is known for being calm, confident, and fearless. With their owners they are also gentle and affectionate. To provide some historical context, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed has been depicted in many famous paintings throughout history, usually with royalty. King Charles II made the Cavalier popular during his reign, and set the breed standard for the time. Known for their gentle nature and beautiful coats, this breed of spaniels are mid-sized, often weighing between 18 and 25 pounds. Cavaliers generally don’t need much room to run around, which is why they’re perfect for staying indoors for most of the day. 


Frenchies have muscular, compact frames with heavy bones. Their heads are large and square, compared to the rest of their body which tapers off to lean and smaller hind quarters. They have a wrinkly, almost flat face featuring a very short and often black muzzle. Contrary to popular misconceptions, French Bulldogs are not lazy, low-maintenance dogs. This stigmatization fails to capture the caring and distinct personality of the Frenchie. French Bulldogs actually require a great deal of attention and affection. They love being the companions of their human parents and bond deeply with the members of their household, human and animal alike. Though they are emotionally high-maintenance, their exercise requirements and need of being outdoors is very low


For anyone who’s spent time with a Bulldog up close and personal, it won’t exactly be headline news that Bulldogs don’t require much exercise. They’re not built for speed, running, swimming, or any forms of outdoor athleticism. In fact, some Bulldogs make breathing look like strenuous exercise! Bulldogs are sociable, friendly, and gentle and make excellent companions and family pets. These laid back dogs are more than happy to relax on the sofa, and they adapt well to apartment living and smaller spaces. Since Bulldogs are prone to weight gain and obesity, you’ll still have to make sure your Bulldog gets a good walk in each day, and doesn’t eat too many treats. Bulldogs are inactive indoors and don’t require a great deal of exercise. They are indoor dogs and prefer a relaxed lifestyle, which is why they’re on our list of the best indoor dog breeds.


Bichons are active dogs, but because they are small, they don’t need too much room to run around. This makes the Bichon Frise a suitable dog breed for apartment living. Bichons are not known for barking, which is a real plus for city dwellers, but don’t count on them to guard your home, either. The Bichon Frise is a cheerful, small dog breed with a love of mischief and a lot of love to give. With their black eyes and fluffy white coat, the Bichon looks almost like a child’s toy.

It doesn’t take long to realize that the Bichon can be your happiest and most enthusiastic companion, especially for cuddling around the house. They’re super playful and intelligent, and even novice pet parents and apartment dwellers will get along great with these dogs. There is one caveat with the Bichon Frise breed, however. While they love spending time at home, they don’t do well with being home alone. If you’re someone who will need to leave your dog at home for long stretches of time, you would do better to choose an indoor breed that’s independent and comfortable guarding the house all by himself. 


The Yorkshire Terrier, or “Yorkie” for short, is a sturdy, compact, toy terrier. This breed is covered with a long, straight, blue and tan coat. It has a small, slightly rounded head, a moderate-length, tapered muzzle, a black nose, dark, medium-sized eyes, and small, erect, v-shaped ears. Yorkies are known to live long, healthy lives, and they are also hypoallergenic, making them a great choice for anyone sensitive to dog hair. Because they are so small, Yorkshire Terriers don’t need a lot of room to exercise. When they need to run around to blow off some steam, they can do this within the home since they don’t need much space at all. For this reason, they make great apartment and indoor dogs. That being said, they also enjoy walks outside and around the block.

Now that you’ve read about the 8 best indoor dog breeds according to Petland Florida, which breed are you going to take home? If you’re in Florida, come into one of our Petland locations and meet the breeds in person! Our knowledgeable pet counselors can help you select the right indoor dog breed to match your lifestyle and personality. We hope to see you soon at Petland!