
Santa Claus Makes A Visit to Petland

Community events Petland Florida toy drive

On December 22, 2018, Santa Claus stopped by various Petland Florida store locations during their toy drive for the Nicklaus Children’s Hospital and took pictures with visitors. The event, which occurred in all Petland store locations, had Santa Claus stop by for pictures. Anyone who donated an unopened toy to the toy drive had a […]

On December 22, 2018, Santa Claus stopped by various Petland Florida store locations during their toy drive for the Nicklaus Children’s Hospital and took pictures with visitors.

The event, which occurred in all Petland store locations, had Santa Claus stop by for pictures. Anyone who donated an unopened toy to the toy drive had a chance to take a free picture with Santa Claus.

Numerous families who donated toys were able to take cute holiday-themed photos with Old Saint Nick and our Petland puppies! It brings us great joy to bring together many families during the holiday season and help out others in our community so they never feel left out.

We at Petland Florida hope everyone has a wonderful and happy Christmas!

Check out about our toy donation through our blog