
10 Things Your Cat Loves

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Cats are beautiful and smart animals that make wonderful furry companions, but they’re usually depicted as cold or mean in movies and TV. In truth, kitties show their love for activities much differently than their canine companions. They may purr, swing their tail around, or look lovingly at you.  As their kitty parent, it’s important […]

Cats are beautiful and smart animals that make wonderful furry companions, but they’re usually depicted as cold or mean in movies and TV. In truth, kitties show their love for activities much differently than their canine companions. They may purr, swing their tail around, or look lovingly at you. 

As their kitty parent, it’s important to know what your cat likes and dislikes so you can bond with them! While your cat’s interests may change regularly, here are 10 things your cat may love: 

1. Naps

Cats love taking naps! Most kitties sleep an average of 15 hours a day, and are most active at night. When you bring a new cat home, especially if they’re a kitten, you may find them napping in a warm and comfy spot. Of course, if you notice your cat is sleeping too little or too much, be sure to consult your vet to check for any hidden medical conditions.

2. Grooming

No other creature on this planet loves grooming more than cats. In fact, cats spend at least 15 to 50 percent of their time grooming themselves. Obviously, it’s pretty important in the average life of a cute kitty! Cats typically groom themselves to keep their fur clean and healthy, but it also serves as a form of relaxation. You can try brushing your cat’s fur, just make sure they like being groomed by humans.

3. Running Water

There’s a long-held belief that cats hate water. While cats may hate full immersion, many of these furry cuties are actually fascinated by water (especially running water!). You may have come across the numerous kitty fountains that have fresh, running water for your cat’s delight! If your cat loves playing with or in water, we recommend filling up a small pool with some water and playing with them. This will help cool your kitty off and build a bond between both of you.

4. Playtime

Playtime is an important way to bond with your cat. It also helps keep your cat fit and happy. Like dogs, you don’t need to do much to entertain your kitty. Just throw a ball of yarn or a mouse toy, and your cat will be engaged for a few hours. Apart from toys, you can encourage your cat to play games like hide-and-seek and chase. Make sure you play with your cat at least twice a week. 

5. Petting

It’s no secret that cats love being petted by their owners. Whether it’s the top of their head or behind their ears, cats enjoy having their humans touching them. If you hear them purring or see them closing their eyes, it’s a sign that you’re doing the right thing. Your cat may also roll over so you can rub their bellies or place their tails in front of you so you can touch it. Be aware that cats are very particular with their petting sessions. They usually prefer petting when they’re feeling affectionate, so don’t try to forcibly pet your kitty. Let them come to you!

6. Yummy Food

Like most people, cats wouldn’t want to eat an entire plate of stale, tasteless food. They love food that’s fresh, nutritious, and very delicious. Feeding your cat spoiled food can make them very sick, as it may contain bacteria like Salmonella. Make sure to always check expiration dates in your cat’s food so that they get the best nutrition. 

7. Scratching and Clawing

Cat’s love scratching and clawing—it’s a part of their instincts! They do this to sharpen their claws and feel different surfaces. It also allows them to relax. Of course, these activities can cause damage to your furniture so we recommend getting a cat tree or a scratching post!

8. Kneading

Kneading is a motion that cats perform by pushing their paws in and out of a soft surface. It may seem weird, but we promise it’s normal cat behavior. Many cats will often knead your lap or a soft surface for a few minutes. It usually means they feel calm or content with their current situation. Sometimes, it just means your cat is a kitten at heart! Many cats knead their mothers when they nurse as kittens, and the motion causes them comfort as adults.

9. Looking Out the Window

You may notice your kitty loves looking out the window, but why? Well, they may just be observing birds or other critters lurking outside. Your cat may spend hours just watching birds, cats, or even dogs hanging out outside. It may be due to predatory behavior (if they’re watching birds) or just a form of entertainment. Do not let your cat spend too much time near a window if there’s a lot of sun. You can search for cat-approved sunscreen in a pet store to prevent sunburns. 

10. Their Owners

Cats are independent creatures but that doesn’t mean they don’t love you! Many cats love it when their owners show affection to them, whether it’s through petting or playtime. To know if your cat loves you, you can watch for signs like purring, meowing, and licking. You can also read our blog, 5 Signs Your Cat is Happy for more signs that your kitty is happy with you!

Cats have a long list of likes and dislikes, just like people! Get to know your furry soulmate by spending time with them. Buy them a cat toy, play with them, and feed them nutritious meals. That way, you can ensure your kitty lives a long and happy life with you!

Check out our blog, How To Teach Your Kitten to Use a Litterbox for our tips on kitty litter box training!